om lögner

läste en artikel nyss här. Den handlade om lögner, och påstod att män ljuger mer än kvinnor. Många i de lögnerna som sas vara mer vanliga bland kvinnor kunde jag känna igen. haha min kära mor har dragit fler av dom. Man listan var inte allt för överaskande heller. Vad tycker du? Ligger det sanning i listan?

Top ten lies men tell

1. Nothing's wrong, I'm fine

2. This will be my last pint

3. No, your bum doesn't look big in that

4. I had no signal

5. My battery died

6. Sorry, I missed your call

7. I didn't have that much to drink

8. I'm on my way

9. It wasn't that expensive

10. I'm stuck in traffic


Top ten lies women tell

1. Nothing's wrong, I'm fine

2. Oh, this isn't new, I've had it ages

3. It wasn't that expensive

4. It was in the sale

5. I'm on my way

6. I don't know where it is, I haven't touched it

7. I didn't have that much to drink

8. I've got a headache

9. No, I didn't throw it away

10. Sorry, I missed your call


Top ten lies we tell at work

1. Nice to see you again

2. Sorry, I missed your call

3. The traffic was bad

4. I'll give you a ring

5. I'll phone you back in a few seconds

6. I've got this terrible cold

7. My alarm didn't go off

8. I wrote down your number wrong

9. Our server was down

10. The train was delayed


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